Friday, April 27, 2007

No Sustainability Cafe this Week

Ooops, I'll be at the Telluride Intermediate School on Wednesday morning as part of the Elementary School's Earth Week activities. We'll be making seed balls with the youngest students and having the intermediate kids help start seeds for the community garden.

Don't forget the Community Feast and Forum coming up on May 4th. It's a potluck dinner and a chance to see the first video in the Planet Neighborhood series - and a chance to gather and talk about sustainability issues.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Telluride Freecycle (TM) is an on-line freebox. Once you join (free) you can post items that you have to give away or are looking for as long as they are free. Other members reply to you to arrange for pick up or delivery. Keep useful items out of the landfill and reduce the pressure on Telluride's Free Box. If your in our region visit to sign up. Interested in starting your own freecycle group? Go to For more information about Telluride's group call Kris Holstrom with questions at 970/728-1340.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Sustainability Working Group Meetings - BE THERE

On Tuesday, April 24th at 4:00 the Food Security Working Group will meet in Rom 210 in the Wintercrown Building (above Sofio's/Los Montanas). We'll be discussing school lunches, community gardens and getting more people growing food - as well as labeling issues and much more.

On Wednesday, April 25th at 4:00 the Resource Recovery/Recycling Group will meet in the commissioner's meeting room in the Miramonte Building, next to the Courthouse. Our spring clean up is coming up soon and we have more issues to discuss.

Put May 1st on your calendar when the Energy Group will meet at 4:00 in the Wintercrown Building. We need input and assistance to get our first tasks underway so we can all start making a difference.

And on Friday May 4th we'll have another Community Feast and Forum. See the previous blog for more information on the great series we'll be viewing - and sharing local food and flavor.

Feel free to call Kris at 970-728-1340 for more information.

Community Feast and Forum, May 4th!

The next Community Feast and Forum
Friday, May 4, 6 p.m. in the Program Room.
FREE FILM: Planet Neighborhood, Part 1, “Home.” Co-hosted by the Telluride Institute, this program brings together visionaries of Telluride’s future to discuss ideas, eat organic, locally grown foods, and bring a sustainable future into being.

Planet Neighborhood is a 3 part series detailing sustainable initiatives. Homeowners, architects, builders and an inventor show how to use green technologies and innovative design to make change at the most local level of all: your house! Part 2 (shown in June) looks at the work environment, and Part 3 (shown in July) at the community level.

"An eager writer-host, specific examples, and personalizing case studies examine the ways in which homes, workplaces, and communities can create and sustain more affordable, healthier, and environmentally sensitive lifestyles." Booklist

"Covers a range of environmental issues related to the home and workplace, including energy-saving designs and technologies...Recommended" Rachel Lohafer, Instructional Technology Center, Iowa State University, MC Journal

"Planet Neighborhood is all about solutions for improving health and environment. It is a great teaching tool for anyone or group interested in turning a negative situation into a positive one." Earthworks Magazine

"Interesting, informative, and inspiring. If it were offered as part of the curriculum in grade school science classes, our attitude towards environmental responsibility would change." Conscious Choice

"We have become so used to bad news about the environment...that PLANET NEIGHBORHOOD...comes as an exceedingly pleasant surprise." The Washington Post