Thursday, March 29, 2007

Coordinating Sustainability in San Miguel County

Hello to all!
As the new Sustainability Coordinator for San Miguel County it's a very exciting and busy time. The position began in early January and since then I've been working with my board to get non-profit status, set up five sustainability working groups, meeting with all sorts of people involved in sustainability in the region, and more.

The Working Groups are: Energy, Green Building, Resource Recovery/Recycling, Food Security and Economy. Look for notices of meetings in the papers, listen for them on KOTO and/or contact me if you want to be noticed by email of the meetings. The idea is that these are indeed, groups that work. To help create a sustainable future we will all need to contribute. My job is to help coordinate these efforts and push for implementation. It's time for action!

I'm eager to hear any and all ideas that can help with this ongoing endeavor, this change of lifestyle that needs to happen. I can be reached at my office #231 Wintercrown Building (100 W. Colorado, above the archway between Overland and Blackmore Gallery). The phone is 970-728-1340 and email is

Upcoming Events:

Sustainability Cafe - Wednesday, April 4th 8:30 am at Baked In Telluride
An opportunity (usually the first Wednesday of every month at different locations) to gather and discuss local, regional, national or global issues relating to sustainability/local self-reliance.

Community Feast and Forum - Friday, April 6th at 6:00 at the Program Room in the Wilkinson Library.
In collaboration with the Telluride Institute and the Wilkinson Library. This is a community pot luck that will be followed by a movie or video and discussion. Local, fresh and organic food is preferred, but we understand that not everyone can prepare food in advance. Look for the date and time each month - it will almost always happen on the First Friday of the month.

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